Interactive workshop: “From Quantum Physics to Quantum Technologies”

AtomQT action organizes an interactive workshop “From Quantum Physics to Quantum Technologies” in the The Youth Mobile Festival (YoMo) that will take place from February 26th to March 2nd 2019 in Barcelona.

In the interactive workshop visitors will explore different phenomena related to quantum mechanics, which form the basis of quantum technologies. The stand will offer two sections: simulation and experiments. In the first section visitors will be able to play with simulations of quantum phenomena, comparing them with experiences from everyday life. In the second section attendants will experiment with classic interface phenomena, observing the undulating behaviour and thinking about the differences between waves and particles, one of the classical debates in quantum physics. At the end of the workshop students will be able to program new simulations and receive information on how to reproduce some of these experiments at home or at their education centres.

The YoMo, aimed at children aged 10 to 16, will form part of the GSMA Mobile World Congress. This year’s edition expects more than 22,000 teenagers and teachers. Entrance is free for all pre-registered school groups.