The Bose-Einstein condensation Center in Trento is offering a 2-year post-doctoral position on the theory of ultra cold gases, with a focus on transport properties in Hubbard models.
The research work will be carried out in the framework of an interdisciplinary project funded by the Italian Research and University Ministry aiming at creating a bridge between cold gases
and heterostructures. The consortium involved in the project comprehends: BEC Centre in Trento (Menotti and Recati), LENS in Florence (Roati), University of Trento (Giorgini), University of Camerino (Pilati and Strinati),
Politecnico of Milano (Dal Conte), SISSA/ISAS (Capone), University of Brescia (Giannetti).
Consideration of applications will begin immediately.
The position is meant to start thereafter as soon as possible and in any case not later that August 2020.
Interested candidates should contact Dr. Alessio Recati via email or phone at:
phone: +39 0461 283926