AtomQT Crete meeting: updated schedule

The AtomQT: Quo Vadis? meeting on Crete starts Monday morning at 945. Below is the updated schedule of the meeting. List of talks and travel directions can be found in AtomQT meeting guide.

 Sun 15Mon 16Tue 17Wed 18
9:30(9:45) Introduction and Welcome
10:00WG1: Ernst Rasel (Break-Through Technologies)WG3: Veronica Ahufinger (Quantum Physics and Society)Talk 3.1: Andrea Bertoldi
10:30Talk 2.1: Fatima BouchamaTalk 3.2: Dennis Schlippert
11:00Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
11:30Talk 1.1: Uwe SterrTalk 2.2: Thomas FernholzTalk 3.3: Nassim Zahzam
12:00Talk 1.2: Philipp HaslingerTalk 2.3: Eric CharronTalk 3.4: Peter Domokos
13:00Core group meeting
14:00WG2: Philippe Bouyer (AtomQTech Goes Commercial)Round table on quantum physics and societyTalk 3.5: Wojciech Gawlik
14:30Talk 3.6: Christian Schubert
15:00Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
15:30Talk 1.3: Markus KrutzikManagement committee (MC) meeting, free for non MC membersTalk 3.7: Andrea Trombettoni
16:00Talk 1.4: Wolf von KlitzingClosing remarks
16:30Coffee break
17:00Round table on atom quantum breakthrough technologies and applications (+roadmap)
17:30(17:45) Lab visits
18:00Lab visits
18:30(18:45) Transport
19:00Conference dinner at Erganos