FOMO 2018 summer school update

As the FOMO 2018 summer school and conference are approaching, be careful not to miss the deadline for applications, which is 15th July. Here you can take a look at the final list of FOMO 2018 summer school lecturers and courses:

  • Dana Anderson, JILA Colorado (USA): Atomtronics
  • Angelo Bassi, University of Trieste (Italy): Decoherence
  • Philippe Bouyer, Institute d’ Optique, Bordeaux (France): Large Scale Atom Interferometers
  • Markus Oberthaler, University of Heidelberg (Germany): Non-Linear Matterwaves
  • Hendrik Ulbricht, University of Southampton (UK): Macroscopic Quantum-Systems
  • Nick Robins, Australian National University (Australia): Precision Interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates

The conference Frontiers of Matterwave Optics (FOMO) started in 2010 on Crete and has since become a focus of Quantum Technologies and Matterwave interferometry. The conference aims at presenting the latest advances in the field of Matterwave Optics and interferometry (this year also including nanoparticles) in a setting highly conducive to discussions and interaction. There will be special sessions on atom quantum technologies (in co-organisation with AtomQT), space quantum technologies (QTSpace) and gravitational wave detection. This year the conference returns to its origins on Crete and the Orthodox Academy in Chania.

An integral part of FOMO has always been its summer school (10th to 14th September), this year jointly organised by FOMO and AtomQT. It is aimed at giving students and young post-docs a solid background in some of the aspects of matter-wave optics and atom interferometry. The school will consist of lectures and discussions with much emphasis placed on interactions between the students and between the students and the lecturers. Students are also expected to attend the conference. The summer school will take place in the lovely village of Archanes close to Heraklion on Crete. There will be a number of scholarships available for students from member states of AtomQT.