The next AtomQT management committee (MC) meeting will take place on the 30th and 31th October on International University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The program of the meeting will be available soon.
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Successful AtomQT workshop on PHOTONICA 2019
The AtomQT workshop “Quantum coherent effects with ultra-cold atoms” took place from Thursday, 29th, to Friday, 30th August in Belgrade, Serbia. This workshop was organized as a satellite event of the International School and Conference on Photonics, PHOTONICA 2019. The talks presented at the workshop covered exciting new research results
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Program for AtomQT workshop on PHOTONICA 2019
The timetable for AtomQT workshop “Quantum coherent effects with ultra-cold atoms” on the conference PHOTONICA 2019 is out! The workshop will take place from Thursday, 29th, to Friday, 30th August in Belgrade, Serbia. You can download the timetable in .pdf format here.
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Open postdoc position in Bordeaux cold atom group
The research group Cold Atoms in Bordeaux is searching for a postdoctoral researcher for their project Atom Interferometry for Space Applications. The research topic is related to quantum gases in microgravity and precision measurements. The first part of the project addresses bubble-shaped quantum gas (3-D spherical shell confinement), both on the theoretical
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Workshop on Atomic Experiments for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration
AtomQT is coorganizing a workshop on Atomic Experiments for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration that will take place in CERN from 22nd – 23rd July 2019. The purpose of this informal workshop is to review the landscape of cold atom technologies being developed to explore of dark sector physics –
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A new funding call for research visits (Short-Term Scientific Missions) and ITC Conference grants is opened until June 12th. The applications need to be submitted via the website
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AtomQT training school for young PhD students
The training school will be held in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) from the 3rd to the 6th of September 2019. It aims to contribute to the education of starting PhD students in the field of quantum technologies with ultracold atoms. A series of lectures given by world-wide renowned
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Outreach talk by Dr. Trombettoni on Italian science festival
On Saturday, 13th April, Dr. Andrea Trombettoni gave an outreach talk on Italian science festival La Festa di Scienza e di Filosofia 2019 in Foligno, Italy. In the talk, titled The world of ultra-cold temperatures (Il mondo delle temperature ultrafredde), he illustrated the latest developments in the field of ultra-cold
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Successful AtomQT workshop in Hanover
The COST-powered workshop Terrestrial infrasound gravitational wave detection with atom interferometry successfully took place in Hanover. The aim was to bring specialists for cold atom interferometry together with laser interferometric gravitational wave detection scientists. The event was a great chance to foster collaborations between the two communities. More than 40
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Interactive workshop: “From Quantum Physics to Quantum Technologies”
AtomQT action organizes an interactive workshop “From Quantum Physics to Quantum Technologies” in the The Youth Mobile Festival (YoMo) that will take place from February 26th to March 2nd 2019 in Barcelona. In the interactive workshop visitors will explore different phenomena related to quantum mechanics, which form the basis of quantum technologies.
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AtomQT Workshop during the EQTC 2019
During the European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC) in Grenoble, the AtomQT workshop on Commercializing Atom Quantum Technologies will take place from from February 18th to 20th. Below you can find the program and poster for the event.
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Successful FOMO 2018 conference in Crete
This year’s FOMO (Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics) conference was successfully organized for the third time in Crete and the fifth time overall. It takes place every two years, alternating between Crete and another European city. At the conference participated 120 reputable scientists from around the world (Australia, China, Korea, Mexico, USA,
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The programme, abstracts and lecture notes from FOMO 2018
Some useful materials have been published on the FOMO Conference and Summer School webpage. You can check out the summer school lecture notes, the conference programme, abstracts of conference talks and abstracts of posters from conference and summer school.
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FOMO 2018 summer school update
As the FOMO 2018 summer school and conference are approaching, be careful not to miss the deadline for applications, which is 15th July. Here you can take a look at the final list of FOMO 2018 summer school lecturers and courses: Dana Anderson, JILA Colorado (USA): Atomtronics Angelo Bassi, University of Trieste (Italy): Decoherence Philippe Bouyer,
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Fast manipulation of Bose–Einstein condensates with an atom chip
Prof. Ernst M. Rasel and dr. Naceur Gaaloul from Quantum Sensing Group at Institut für Quantenoptik (Leibniz Universität Hannover) have in a collaboration with researchers from France and USA published a paper in New Journal of Physics, titled Fast manipulation of Bose–Einstein condensates with an atom chip. The article appeared in a special
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Registration for the FOMO 2018 summer school is open
Registration for the Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics (FOMO 2018) summer school is now open. The summer school in Crete will consist of courses covering the wider area of matter-wave physics: atom cooling, decoherence, metrology, nonlinear matter waves, atomtronics, macroscopic quantum systems and large scale atom interferometers. The school will take place in the
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AtomQT Crete meeting: updated schedule
The AtomQT: Quo Vadis? meeting on Crete starts Monday morning at 945. Below is the updated schedule of the meeting. List of talks and travel directions can be found in AtomQT meeting guide.
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Schedule for the AtomQT Crete meeting
The next AtomQT meeting will be held on the Greek island Crete from 16th to 18th April (from 15th for action core group members). Below you can find a map of the location and current schedule. There will be three work packages (WP), three round tables and a management committee meeting on Tuesday. See you
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