WG2 Atom Technology goes Commercial
This working group focuses on the exploitation potential of atom-quantum technologies with a focus on sensors, where Europe is currently world-leader. Examples include gravimetry, navigation and geology, but also technology providers, e.g. lasers.
- Leader: Dr Philippe BOUYER (Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine, France)
- Vice leader: Prof Barry GARRAWAY (University of Sussex, United Kingdom)
Objectives: Bring together researchers and companies with the aim of advancing the fledgling quantum-high-tech industry in Europe.
- Providing an interface between industry and academia.
- Scouting new opportunities and providing support.
- Support academics in commercialisation of their ideas.
- Function as an efficient industry-academia link.
Milestones: Establishment of a Pan-European platform for quantum-high-tech / academia exchanges.
Major Deliverables:
- Two workshops on the commercial exploitation of academic ideas.
- IPR and startup training at four summer schools.