15th June – 22nd July, 2021: FOMO2021 — Lectures on Matter-Wave Interferometry
8rd – 19th June, 2020: Physics Summer School on Quantum Frontiers
Nordita, Stockholm
23rd March- 3rd April, 2020: 51st IFF Spring School: Quantum Technology
Jülich, Germany
3rd – 6th September: AtomQT training school in Barcelona
30th September – 11th October, 2019
Predoc school on Interaction of light and cold atoms in Les Houches (France), aimed at students starting a PhD in the field, with lectures on:
- Field quantization, dressed states and cavity QED,
- Quantum gases and superfluidity,
- Optical lattices,
- Laser cooling,
- Collective phenomena in light-matter interfaces,
- Dipole – dipole interaction,
- Interaction and disorder,
- Applications: from high precision measurements to metrology and
- Ultracold collisions.
26th – 30th August, 2019
PHOTONICA 2019: 7th International School and Conference on Photonics
Belgrade, Serbia
16th – 20th July 2018
ICAP 2018 Summer School in Barcelona, adressed to PhD students and young researches, with courses on:
- Atomic quantum gases,
- Cold molecules and quantum chemistry,
- AMO Physics and topology,
- Quantum sensing and metrology,
- Quantum computing and quantum simulation,
- Quantum nanophotonics and
- Strongly correlated quantum systems.
10th – 14th September 2018
FOMO 2018 Summer School in Crete, covering the wider area of matter-wave physics, with courses on:
- Atom Cooling,
- Decoherence,
- Metrology,
- Non-Linear Matterwaves,
- Atomtronics,
- Macroscopic Quantum-Systems and
- Large Scale Atom Interferometers.